Wet cloth on the line. Flags in the wind. Exhaustive movements and forces. Buildings facing collapse.
Territories confronting landslides. Grueling coercion.
Fatiguing circumstances.
Underneath the politics of matter. Materials under stress, tensile dynamism, permanently dormant, snoozy alarming.
Untitled Plopps No. 101 After a Stormy Night with Closed Windows still maintained its silhouette.
Untitled Plopps No. 101 After a Stormy Night with an Open Window tired from the impact, feels the shade.
Untitled Plopps No. 101 During a Stormy Night with an Open Window (left) still in it.
Essentially they are/were, whatever, all the same. Is this the now? Permanence, perpetuation, continuity, stability, within this world, or just another vibrant state?